Sentiment Analysis from Tweets using Convolutional Neural Networks
Sentiment Analysis, Twitter Sentiment Analysis, Deep Learning, Convolutional Neural NetworkAbstract
By current improvements of web technology nowadays, usage of social media has increased. Twitter is a web site where millions share their opinions. Political parties, firms and other establishments has been examining data at these social media sites to learn person’s opinions about themselves. Reporting the sharing of millions of persons instantly is done more easily by using machine and deep learning techniques. In this work, sentiment analysis is done by the Convolutional Neural Network which has wide-spread usage in deep learning. Besides other known works, improvements in feature selection have been applied in order to meet higher success rate. Model has been trained by the different data sets and tested in other data sets. The model has reached to 97% success rate by the training data. 90% and 89% success rates have been achieved on the tests applied to other data sets.
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